How To Survive The Wear And Tear Of Spring Sports

With the arrival of Spring comes a large number of spring sports. Baseball, softball, lacrosse, and soccer are just a few of the major sports that don their uniforms and take the field after a long offseason during the winter. While it’s exciting to see sports played at practically every level, the fields they play on undergo serious wear and tear. From the continued pounding of spiked cleats to players diving and sliding everywhere, sports fields can receive heavy damage that, if left unmanaged, can leave it ruined forever. During the Spring season, there are several things even the most seasoned groundskeepers and complex managers should be aware.

  • Weed Control
  • Uneven Playing Conditions
  • Weather
  • Pests

Weed Control

With gorgeous green sports fields come awful looking weeds. Grassy weed seeds fall into the soil during the autumn and winter and begin to sprout up during Spring as the soil warms. These weeds can absolutely ruin the sports field as these invasive species steal water and nutrients from grass. Diligent groundskeepers should make sure to keep their eyes out for any weeds growing to ensure the highest level of sports field maintenance all season long.

Uneven Playing Conditions

While the field may look like it’s in peak condition from the stands, players will see up close the true condition of the field. Depending on the sport, cleats can wreak havoc on fields. From slight pokes in the ground to entire patches of grass ripped out from an outfield making a diving play. Even though they may seem like minor cosmetic issues, they can actually lead to potentially dangerous situations. A hole could form in one game, and a player in the following game may trip and severely injure themselves. Consistent sports field maintenance can ensure everyone stays safe and your fields are playable all season long.


Groundskeepers and sports field managers should always be monitoring weather conditions. While it’s very important to note the weather for the safety of the players, it’s also important to note for the field itself. Spring tends to bring about much more rain, which can flood fields, as well as grass to grow and die at unnatural rates. Flooded fields make them unplayable and can absolutely ruin fields for a time. Knowing when it’s supposed to rain is half the battle, as you’re given the opportunity to tarp the field and protect it from being ruined.


As the warm weather begins to roll in, so do pests. Ant mounds and other bugs will find a home in the large expanses of grass. These pests damage fields during the Spring, infesting entire soccer pitches and outfields alike. Proper sports field maintenance ensures that these pests won’t overtake everything and ruin your sports field complex.

Spring is a great time for sports, which is why you should do the most to ensure your sports field complex makes it through the season completely unharmed. If you’re finding yourself overwhelmed by the amount of maintenance required contact STO Landscape, the leader in sports field maintenance. Call us today at (561) 369-7994 to receive a free maintenance quote!